Tagged with x-men

Top Five Favorite Comic Book Writers Currently Working: #5 Matt Fraction

I don’t know if there’s any writer in the comic industry right now whose work is more compulsively readable than Matt Fraction‘s. On any given day, I can sit down and read 6 comics by him in a row without being bored or reaching for something else. The interesting part is, Matt Fraction’s writing, even … Continue reading

X-Men Versus Cthulu? X-Men: Golgotha Graphic Novel Review

In the five-part series X-Men: Golgotha, the team of mutants collide with Cthulu–well not Cthulu exactly, but the monstrous villain named Golgotha resembles the Cthulu so closely Marvel should owe H.P. Lovecraft’s heirs some money. If you’ve never been initiated into H.P. Lovecraft’s weird and gloomy fiction, the Cthulu is the author’s most famous creation. … Continue reading

Some Thoughts on Motion Comics.

I’ll admit, originally when I heard about motion comics a year or two ago I thought they sounded stupid.  My thought was, “Why bother watching a comic when you can just read one in half the time?”  With other cartoons like the 90s Batman, or The Adventures of Superman, or Teen Titans, they existed separate … Continue reading